Friday, April 23, 2010


No, I'm not about to get philosophical here (or maybe I am). But this issue has been stuck in my head since Chinese New Year, and god knows which year did I start to ponder over this issue.

So I guess everyone is familiar with the tradition of getting new clothes during the said festive season. There's 2 things I'm condemning here, one of which is getting too many of the same things and the other being getting rid of perfectly new stuffs.

You see, every Chinese New Year, retailers will exploit the festive mood (exclude me) and there goes everyone (excluding me again) shopping for new clothes for the new Lunar Year. Point is though, how many clothes does an average person needs? I suppose if everyone gets new clothes during Chinese New Year, then won't they have too many clothes to wear? Wastage huh.

That leads to my 2nd point, of which people realised that they have too many clothes and decided to dispose the old ones. And most often these old clothes are perfectly fine, if you can ignore the fading prints, slightly thinner cloth and if you grew slightly fatter or taller, the insufficiency of cloth covering you. But then again, these old clothes still do a pretty decent job of covering what needs to be covered. Enough said.

I, admittedly, fell for this wastage thing too. I just threw away an old pen. Refills were available for that pen, but I just felt that the pen looked a bit of yesteryear, and down the dustbin it went. It was in perfect condition and only needed ink refills, but still I fell for the latest trends and designs.

Nevertheless, call me stingy, philosophical, boring, yesteryear or whatever. But my clothes at home are purchased in 2007 and I'm still wearing them. Bet I'll still be wearing them for the next few years.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tiny Tots

Just came back from Camp Forge, and words to describe any part of the camp or me during the camp, or whatsoever, can only be "impatient", "tired", "stressed out", "socked out" and so on. Lesson learnt: If you don't get enough sleep from Day 1, chances are you'll be tired for the rest of the camp.

Problem is, had I had enough sleep, I'll still lose my patience, bark/yell/scream at the cadets, and so on. Okay, I admit, I had a preference for the Nan Hua unit (the guys I mean, the girls are yours Azfar) because they had sense. Common sense. And that sense of discipline, unity and cooperativeness that made my job a hell lot easier. But there always must be that morbidly fat cadet who can't move fast, and yet move around very often after falling in. Wait, he don't even know how to fall in.

Nevermind about that. There's something I observed (and continuing to observe) about the lower secondary school students, especially the Sec 1s. Nothing got to do with NCC. It's just that, those kids, are just getting more and more kiddish. Granted, I was mentally and physically older than a 13 year-old when I was one, but seriously, those Sec 1s are behaving like...toddlers. And I'm not talking about their physical size, I'm referring to the way they think, talk and behave. And to hell with maturing.

And then there are some who are no better than dogs. No, before anyone accuse and charge me of slander, let me first explain. Because, in all honesty, there are some unruly children (or cadets, or students, or whatever) who are so uncooperative, who doesn't listen to instructions and instead defy them, and it makes me feel that I'd rather give instructions to a dog. Seriously, a dog is a man's best friend - it listens to instructions faithfully, but these group of cadets...epic.

Anyway it's back to school for me tomorrow, most probably going to sleep through all the lectures and tutorials. And then worse, tests for the next few days and weeks. Maybe I should go back to the days when I was a tiny tot (or maybe not. No please don't imagine me as a toddler or something!)

Saturday, April 17, 2010


No, I'm not showing off here, but I'm just so pissed with freebies. Especially those pathetic free stuff you get when you purchase something new. A case in point would be my iPod Touch and its plastic cover.

Common sense says that the plastic cover is meant to protect the iPod, but instead it's given me gazillions of scratches and I really mean it, it's terribly epic. I got so pissed with the cover, and using brute force, tore it into many pieces. a product that's suppose to protect my iPod from damages is damaging my iPod. Nice.

And guess what? The plastic cover came free with the iPod. And this isn't the first time I'm pissed with freebies. They're either cheap or they'll make you look cheap. The point is, if those freebies are so good, why is it even free in the first place?

The problem is, I'm always enticed by free or cheap stuffs, or stuffs I call "value-for-money". And more than often these stuffs fail to accomplish what they set out to do, and fail in the most appalling and ridiculous way. And that's not because they're made in our Dear People's Republic of China.

Anyway, just cut my hair today and it's like, my hair isn't this short since Primary 5. Feels totally different, as if my head has shed some weight. Will be booking in to NCC HQ campus for Camp Forge tomorrow night, won't be back until Tuesday. See you all soon!

...And don't fall for freebies again.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Long Time No See!

Really, really a long time. Consider that this blog was shut down for the past few months, and this blog is finally "re-opened" again. More boring posts ahead......

So, what happened in these past few months? Seriously, the past few months were a blur, too many things happened just too fast. Anyway, I don't think I can remember (my memory, we'll get to that later) all those events or people involved. So let's just take it that nothing happened at all.

Yes, my memory, it's failing me. I can't even remember what I've eaten for dinner last night. I study History for the whole night, keep the notes in my file, asks myself what I've studied, and can't answer myself. Really. Goldfish memory, this sucks.

Oh well, have been busy since the start of this year, and things are just going uphill for the next few months, so don't expect frequent posts and stuff. And I'm not expecting this blog to be very lively either.

Oh yes, my Sundays are no longer free anymore. Will be at Jurong East library every Sunday to mug with friends, if you really have something important or anything, that's the place to find me because I'll be there for the whole day.

Tomorrow's NCC Affirmation Ceremony. Happy and proud for my NCC Year 1 juniors, hope they will go on to accomplish things within the next 4 years in NCC.