Saturday, April 17, 2010


No, I'm not showing off here, but I'm just so pissed with freebies. Especially those pathetic free stuff you get when you purchase something new. A case in point would be my iPod Touch and its plastic cover.

Common sense says that the plastic cover is meant to protect the iPod, but instead it's given me gazillions of scratches and I really mean it, it's terribly epic. I got so pissed with the cover, and using brute force, tore it into many pieces. a product that's suppose to protect my iPod from damages is damaging my iPod. Nice.

And guess what? The plastic cover came free with the iPod. And this isn't the first time I'm pissed with freebies. They're either cheap or they'll make you look cheap. The point is, if those freebies are so good, why is it even free in the first place?

The problem is, I'm always enticed by free or cheap stuffs, or stuffs I call "value-for-money". And more than often these stuffs fail to accomplish what they set out to do, and fail in the most appalling and ridiculous way. And that's not because they're made in our Dear People's Republic of China.

Anyway, just cut my hair today and it's like, my hair isn't this short since Primary 5. Feels totally different, as if my head has shed some weight. Will be booking in to NCC HQ campus for Camp Forge tomorrow night, won't be back until Tuesday. See you all soon!

...And don't fall for freebies again.

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